Taking security for granted? NATO and the Baltic states

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Taking security for granted? NATO and the Baltic states

Ürituse lava: Nordic Talks (R)

"The pandemic has shown that there is a lot in our lives that we have perhaps taken for granted. Is this also true for security? Do we have a realistic understanding of the potential risks we are facing, the measures in place to mitigate them and our own roles in that? Are we taking deterrence efforts for granted, as they do not affect our daily lives? The discussion will consider the threat that Russia poses to security in the Baltic region. It will assess the effectiveness of responses to this threat, focusing on NATO's collective defence posture in the region, but also addressing wider societal measures to build resilience. It will consider whether these arrangements taken together are sufficient, and discuss possible enhancements.


Arutelu keel: Inglise
Arutelu juht: Tomas Jermalavičius, International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS)
Osalejad: Indrek Sirp (Riigikantselei julgeoleku ja riigikaitse koordinatsioonidirektor / Director of the National Security and Defence Coordination of the Estonian Government Office), Matthew Hing (Briti kaitseatašee Eestis / British Defence Attaché to Estonia), Kadi Silde (Eesti kaitseministeeriumi kaitsepoliitika asekantsler / Undersecretary for Defence Policy at the Estonian Ministry of Defence)
Korraldaja: ICDS, British Embassy Tallinn
sigrid.nuutre@icds.ee / julia.amor@fcdo.gov.uk