Lessons learned: Regional Activism in the Baltic States

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Lessons learned: Regional Activism in the Baltic States

Ürituse lava: Kogukonna ala (L)

Regional activism is something we often hear being mentioned, but we don't really know much about its good practises nor concrete failures. And we definitely have no idea how similar issues are being addressed in our fellow Baltic countries. The viewpoint from Norway - a country with a strong and solid civil society - will valuably contribute to the discussion, offering both contrast and comparison. The questions we plan to tackle: Underserved regions – how is it to be an active citizen or work in an NGO? What are the successes and failures in small towns? How does the overall political climate influence the local activist? What does effective cooperation with local authorities really mean? How can social innovation, participatory democracy and vibrant cultural life be fostered in rural areas? Digital and traditional - how do they mix?


Arutelu keel: Inglise
Arutelu juht: Kai Klandorf (Vabaühenduste Liit/NENO)
Osalejad: Local level and community activists from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Norway will share their thoughts and experiences.
Korraldaja: Avatud Eesti Fond