
Mystical creatures of Internet – Trolls and Internet Warrior

Ürituse lava: Nordic Talks (R)

Many of us have either personally encountered or seen mean, degrading or derogatory comments on social media and in public commentaries. Many of us have probably also wondered, who are the people writing and why are they doing it? The “shield” of a computer screen and the use of often nonsensical usernames has created a cocoon of anonymity making us braver than ever to share our opinions, be it polite or not. But who are these mystical creatures we call trolls or warriors? Why do so many of them choose to harass and threaten people? There has been a lot of talk about how far we can stretch freedom of speech, but not so much talk about who are the people commenting and what are their reasons behind it. We are hoping that discussing the reasonings behind their actions will open up a wider public discussion on this topic and give us new insight on how to deal with these trolls and word warriors.


Arutelu keel: Inglise
Arutelu juht: Lauri Tankler (Riigi Infosüsteemi Ameti küberturvalisuse analüütik / Lead Analyst at Estonian Information System Authority)
Osalejad: Christian Mogensen (special consultant for the Danish Center for Digital Youth Care, Denmark), Tuija Saresma (senior researcher at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland), Kyrre Lien (documentarist, photographer and visual journalist, Norway). Kerli Valner (Estonian Union for Child Welfare, project manager for the project Targalt internetis – Safer Internet Centre in Estonia).
Korraldaja: Nordic Council of Minsiters´ Office in Estonia